Hey guys, So Sorry that I haven't been posting I've just been enjoying my summer like a normal teenager. Happy 4th of July! So here's what's up on stardoll!

1. We've got a new starpoint game which you have to be very geographically smart at.. I'm not so I wont be playing it.. But if your good with geography I recommend it, if your not you should play anyways you might learn something ;]
2. It's the forth of July so party it up! Pop fire crackers, and all that fun stuff.. or go buy some Stardoll forth of July clothes whatever floats your boat.
3. Stardoll keeps popping out these disney clubs that we're suppose to join?! GAY!
4. Stardoll got a Michael Jackson Club, thats so epic.. R.I.P MJ.
5. Latest stardolls Miley Cyrus, and her brother Trace from Metro Station..

So that's all of the stuff I noticed on stardoll since I haven't been on in like a week or two.. If you have any JUICY GOSSIP send it to me.. I'd love to read it, maybe post it ;]

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